"Massachusetts is now well on its way to be the newest state in the US to allow casinos within its borders. The lower house has approved it with the votes in favour almost four times those against. The upper house will also do so soon, and then four gambling facilities (three casinos and one slot parlour) will be licensed.
With a national unemployment rate stuck at about 9 per cent and states having to cut back on their social programmes due to budget constraints, the focus is on jobs and revenues. And the justification for casinos has mostly been centred on those two themes. Three critical issues are intertwined in determining the potential for success of the venture. All three will influence bids for the licences. The first is the number of licences. The State picked on four that would be distributed geographically around the state, and also reserved one of the casinos conditionally for the native American tribe of Mashpee Wampanoag. If they cannot find the land and satisfy the conditions, it would revert to open bidding. US federal laws give preferences to native American tribes to operate casinos on their lands, putting them outside the pale of state jurisdiction. The Wampanoags who do not have a reservation in the state would likely face court challenges on this preference." Get the Story: