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Groups opposed to Jemez Pueblo off-reservation casino

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The New Mexico Horsemen's Association and the New Mexico Horse Breeders Association say the proposed Jemez Pueblo off-reservation casino will hurt the horse racing industry.

Both groups submitted comments to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. They are worried about the loss of revenues if the tribe opens a casino in southern New Mexico.

"The project will adversely impact not only horse owners, trainers, breeders, jockeys and backside employees, but will have a ripple effect on the ancillary businesses supported by the racetrack industry," Jack McGrail, the executive director of the New Mexico Horsemen's Association, told the BIA, The Las Cruces Sun-News reported.

The tribe is pursuing the casino under the two-part determination section of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

Get the Story:
Groups with horse-racing ties oppose Jemez casino (The Las Cruces Sun-News 5/31)

Federal Register Notice:
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Pueblo of Jemez 70.277-Acre Fee-to-Trust Transfer and Casino Project, Don˜ a Ana County, NM (April 8, 2011)

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