"Slot machines are illegal in Alabama.
Not even supporters of gambling dispute what Alabama law says about slot machines. Nonetheless, thousands of them crept into our state under the phony label of "charity bingo" while some elected officials looked the other way. As a result, untold billions of dollars were drained out of our economy and the proceeds of this illegal activity had a corrupting effect on elected officials. The largest of the illegal casinos in Alabama gave a paltry 1 percent of its proceeds to charity, while the gambling boss who owns it took in hundreds of millions of dollars and contributed millions to politicians. According to news reports, former Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford won more in jackpots in one night at this casino than most of the charities received in a full year. When Attorney General Troy King refused to enforce the law against these illegal slot machines, I had no choice but to do so because our state Constitution requires the governor to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed. I formed the task force on Illegal gambling to rid our state of these illegal slot machines." Get the Story: