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Editorial: Apologize for attack on leader's ancestry

Monday, February 22, 2010

"There's plenty to debate about the casino plans of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria.

Critics have asked legitimate questions about traffic and potential environmental impacts of a hotel and casino wedged between Rohnert Park and the Laguna de Santa Rosa. A federal judge is weighing arguments about constitutional issues involving the federal-state relationship.

But there's absolutely nothing legitimate about the latest opposition tactic: challenging the ancestry of Greg Sarris, the chairman of the Graton tribe and a leader of its successful effort to win federal recognition."

Get the Story:
Editorial: About Sarris (The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat 2/20)

Earlier Stories:
Coast Miwok Tribe stands by ancestry of chairman (2/18)
Anti-casino group challenges tribal chair's ancestry (2/11)