"In Dan Morain's column, "Casino-owning tribes are betting on Brown," Morain displays a complete misunderstanding of the attorney general's role with regard to the regulation of tribal casinos in California.
Under the tribal compacts negotiated by Gov. Gray Davis and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, in accordance with federal and state law, the tribes are responsible for on-site gaming regulation and control. It is the state's role to ensure the tribes carry out that responsibility by conducting compliance inspections of tribal casinos and ensuring that tribal regulators correct any deficiencies that turn up. Our special agents conduct investigations regarding any alleged criminal activities at tribal casinos, and we aggressively pursue any threats to the safety and honesty of gaming operations. In our experience, tribal regulators are sophisticated and effective at ensuring that their casinos are fair and safe. It is telling that Morain does not cite any incidents or problems in the industry to indicate otherwise." Get the Story: