"The opening of mega-casinos like Riverwind south of Norman and Windstar near the Oklahoma-Texas border has helped boost the state's share of gaming taxes in the past few years.
National Indian gaming officials say eight new casinos that have opened in the Sooner state over the past few years have helped bring a record $96 million in tax money to the state. The Associated Press reports revenues rose from $70.5 million in 2007 to $96.4 million in 2008. It's a tenfold increase from the revenues in 2005, the first year the state allowed casino-style gaming. Nationwide, there are more than 400 tribal casinos and bingo halls. Nearly half of the nation's tribes are involving in Indian gaming. Oklahoma has more than 80 locations, with some as small as a room in a convenience store and others as large as Riverwind or Windstar." Get the Story: