"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Facing a budgetary abyss, the Florida House of Representatives this week convened a legislative panel to resolve the stalled gaming compact with the Seminole Tribe.
It wasn't that long ago that House members won a Florida Supreme Court ruling that scuttled an agreement between Gov. Charlie Crist and tribal officials. The decision fit the chamber's antipathy toward gambling, and concern over Crist's signing the deal without any input from the Legislature. But all that occurred before the revenue started drying up. So, give the House leadership credit for changing course. The House Select Committee on Seminole Indian Compact Review has the potential to resuscitate a deal that could net the state millions of dollars. The state is facing a revenue shortfall of more than $2 billion in its current budget, and it only gets worse for the next budget year,which state officials say could reach $5.8 billion short. The typical fix — imposing new spending cuts and dipping into reserves — will only go so far." Get the Story: