Supervisors in Sonoma County, California approved a casino-related deal with the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, also known as the Coast Miwok Tribe.
The deal doesn't affect the tribe's plans for a casino in Rohnert Park. The Bureau of Indian Affairshas has agreed to acquire land for the project.. But it prevents the tribe from opening a second casino in Sonoma County or Marin County . Future projects will have to adhere to the local planning laws. The agreement came under fire by opponents of the casino. A group called Stop the Casino 101 has filed a lawsuit against the BIA over the land-into-trust application. Assemblyman Jared Huffman , a Democrat, also opposes the casino. He has introduced a bill that requires compacts to be put a to a vote in the county where a casino will be located. Get the Story: