"Before the Legislature expands casino-type gambling across the state, the South Florida pari-mutuels need to demonstrate that gambling's a business that can meet its promised potential.
The caution flag needs to go up on a state Senate bill to allow all Florida pari-mutuel locations to operate video-lottery terminals. The idea has been around for years, but lawmakers never gave it much support. That is, until the state economy hit a severe slump and now lawmakers are desperate for revenues. Desperation, however, rarely governs wisely. Lawmakers would do right to shelve this idea, for now. The plan promises to raise up to $500 million in tax money for schools. But Floridians are right to be skeptical about education revenue estimates from gambling. There's concern, too, that broadening gambling to other pari-mutuels could jeopardize a compact with the Seminole Tribe. Right now, the Seminoles have the most lucrative, successful casinos in the state. Taxing those operations, as the compact does, at $150 million a year, seems a better option at the moment than risking the compact on video slots that might not generate as many dollars. So, yes, lower the tax rate on the existing pari-mutuel casinos. But hold off on a bigger commitment to gambling." Get the Story: