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Letter: Mississippi Choctaws sin by gambling

Monday, October 22, 2007

"I would like for all to know that I love the Choctaw Indians. They are a people who have high hopes and aspirations for their families. They are a people who love this land and its beauty. I can fully understand their desire to open and run a casino; they feel that this is a great way to supply what they need for their families and loved ones.

However, I would also like you to know that I hate gambling. I hate gaming in any shape or form. People, by their very natures, want to have more and be able to live a life of luxury. Yet, in this process, you must not let the sins of greed and covetousness drive you to hurt others. God knows our broken nature and loves us in spite of it. In the Bible, He instructs us to live our lives according to His will, which opposes any system that takes advantage of others. Gaming is only good for the few who win and for those who oversee the partial distribution of the dollars waged. There are thousands who lose, most of which do not have enough to lose. They find themselves in a financial disaster and are under pressure to take extreme measures in order to find relief.

If we choose to become a society based on the love of God and a people of obedience, we will be a society that is blessed by God. If we choose to become a society that breeds the sin of greed and covetousness, we will become a community that can expect God's hand of retribution or worse -- He will leave us to our own evil desires. Let's love and live for the good of others. Let's work hard and please God, so we can experience His love and be filled with His joy. Vote against gambling and for families."

Get the Story:
Steve Cirlot, Pastor: Love the gambler, hate gambling (The Mississippi Press 10/21)