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Tribes bid for gaming operations in New York

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Four tribes have submitted bids to operate a casino for the state of New York.

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation of Connecticut, the Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut, the Seneca Nation of New York and the Shinnecock Nation of New York filed applications on Monday. They were among six groups that bid for the contract.

The state wants to operate a casino at the Aqueduct racetrack in Queens. Up to 4,500 slot machines would be installed there.

The Shinnecock Nation, a state-recognized tribe, drew heavy media coverage for its last-minute proposal to turn the track into a major casino resort. The tribe said it would drop its controversial plan for a casino on Long Island if it won the state contract.

Get the Story:
Aqueduct casino plan not in cards, say politicans (The New York Daily News 10/16)
Six groups want gaming franchise (Capital 9 News 10/16)
Six want to run Aqueduct casino (CBS Sports 10/15)