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Wisconsin tribes battle on off-reservation casino

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Menominee Nation and the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe continue to battle over plans for an off-reservation casino in Wisconsin.

The Menominee Nation wants to build a casino in Kenosha, nearly 200 miles from the reservation. The Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut is backing the project.

The Forest County Potawatomi Tribe operates a casino -- off the reservation -- in Milwaukee. But the tribe has been running TV ads that criticized the Menominee proposal and the Mohegan involvement.

The Menominees have struck back with a new poll that says 70 percent view the Potawatomi campaign as unfair. "It appears the only ones fooled by the Potawatomi's multimillion-dollar campaign to kill Kenosha competition are the Potawatomi members themselves Chair Lisa Waukau said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Potawatomis are backing a state bill that would require all off-reservation casinos to go through the Legislature. Currently, only the state governor has a say, under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

Get the Story:
Dueling surveys color the casino debate (The MIlwaukee Journal-Sentinel 4/4)
Milwaukee, Potawatomi leaders support off-reservation casino bill (The Business Journal of Milwaukee 4/3)