$stalker "What happens in the state legislature this spring may make or break our chances of getting a casino in Barstow.
The compacts with the state for the Los Coyotes and the Big Lagoon Rancheria tribes to build a dual-casino resort in the Barstow area are up for ratification by the state legislature again this year. Various political maneuvers and pressure by opposing gaming tribes kept the compacts from making it out of committee last year. Last year, Southern California gaming tribes -- who don't want the compacts precedents of allowing unionization among workers and also giving a greater chunk of money to the state than other compacts -- fought hard to stop the ratification process last year, even assisting in the writing of Measure H, the manipulative local ballot initiative last summer that tried to zone the project out of existence. Fortunately the voters saw through it (even if the San Bernardino Sun didn't). The gaming tribes, too, are looking to expand their operations and thus have the need to negotiate. Perhaps ending their opposition to the casino development in Barstow will help them get want they want as well." Get the Story: