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September 28, 2005

Uncle Sam Wants You!

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Are you a Native American lawyer who wants to make a difference in Indian Country? Do you want to work with the most powerful people in America? Then send your resumes over to Doug Domenech!

Who is Doug Domenech, you ask? Well, he's the Interior Department's liaison to the White House. How did he get that job? We're not sure, but his experience as a lobbyist for the National Center for Home Education probably prepared him very well for it! [George W. Bush only hires lobbyists for very important positions.]

But that doesn't mean Domenech knows everything. For just yesterday, he sent this message to a Native American e-mail list.
I am interested in finding a couple of Native American attorneys for possible positions in Washington, DC.
Sounds great right? What aspiring Native attorney wouldn't want to work in Washington? That's where, like, everything happens. [You could also go shopping at Tysons Galleria with Aurene!]

But, oh wait, we forgot the most important qualification sought by Domenech. Is it experience, dedication or impeccable credentials, you ask? Hmm ... NO!
Must have demonstrated support for the President. Please contact me at [address redacted to protect the guilty]
So what does this message say about the state of affairs at the Interior Department? A lot, it appears. The Bushies are so out of touch with Indian Country that they have to resort to a very, very low-traffic Native American Republican e-mail lists to solicit attorneys.

But it also signals a potentially interesting development: the appointment of a new assistant secretary for Indian Affairs! Just when you thought the White House would leave the position vacant for nearly a year, Domenech's cry for help could be seen as an attempt to bring in a new team of legal aides for the new Head Native in Charge. [And just why did the Senate Indian Affairs Committee abruptly clear its schedule for the next month?]

Or it could mean something far, far worse. Jim Cason and Mike Olsen, the acting Head White Men in Charge, want to hire their own people. Scary! And it isn't even Halloween yet.

Well we aren't ones to speculate so stay tuned. Something could be happening very soon now. Or, nothing, as this administration would prefer when it comes to Indians.



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