Report questions government websites

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APRIL 17, 2001

A report released on Monday by the Senate Committee on Government Affairs says a number of government websites aren't protecting the privacy of Internet users.

The report says some web sites are using cookies, which can be used to track user actions. The White House says cookies are acceptable, so long as users are made aware and so long as they aren't persisent and used by third parties.

The report says in at least one instance, a government contractor was given all information collected on web site users.

Get the Story:
Privacy a concern on federal Web sites (AP 4/17)
Internet Privacy (AP 4/16)

Related GAO Report:
Internet Privacy: Comparison of Federal Agency Practices with FTC's Fair Information Principles (GAO-01-113T October 2000)

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Relevant Links:
The Dark Side of Cookies -
The Cookie Controversy -
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