Consumer nominee withdraws consideration

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Consumer Product Safety commissioner Mary Sheila Gall has asked the White House not to resubmit her name for consideration as head of the agency.

Gall had been rebuffed by Democrats on a Senate Committee, who voted 12-11 to keep her nomination from going to the Senate floor. Critics said she was too lax on an industry whose products can cause injuries and death to children and infants.

Gall will remain on the three-member CPSC board until 2005. Chairwoman Ann Brown, appointed by President Clinton, is resigning even though her though her term was not up until 2006.

Get the Story:
Gall asks Bush not to send her nomination as Product Safety chairwoman back to Senate (AP 9/18)

Relevant Links:
Consumer Product Safety Commission -
Mary Sheila Gall, CPSC -

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