Interior nominee aided fish-poisoning

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Harold Craig Manson, President Bush's nominee for Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks at the Department of Interior, helped the state of California poison fish, Gannett News is reporting.

As lead counsel for the California Department of Fish and Game, Munson in 1997 was at the department when, over the objections of local residents and at gunpoint, it dropped thousands of pounds of fish poison in Lake Davis. The state wanted to eradicate the Northern pike to protect a native salmon fishery.

The pike, however, came back. The state was later fined more than $250,000 for allowing fumes from the poison to spread and sicken local residents and for violating pollution laws.

Munson, now a state judge who has written about aliens and outer space, had a brief confirmation hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday. He is expected to be approved.

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Bush nominee had role in fish-poisoning plan (Gannett News Service 10/4)
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