Wednesday, February 6, 2002

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A federal judge on Tuesday scolded Secretary of Interior Gale Norton for violating her trust obligations to Indian beneficiaries by seeking to release confidential financial data to Congress and the American public....

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When pressed by Narragansett council member Randy Noka (a serious up-and-comer in case you don't know) last week about the Bush administration's reversal of so many pro-tribal policies, Assistant Secretary Neal McCaleb said that hasn't always been the case....

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Tribal leaders upset with Secretary of Interior Gale Norton's proposed reorganization of Indian trust are launching the second prong of their assault on the controversial overhaul today, testifying before what is expected to be a contentious oversight hearing....

The Department of Interior has agreed to a limited recognition of the government of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma....

The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a second confirmation hearing on Charles W....

The Bush administration is preparing a new global warming proposal nearly a year after President Bush scrapped the Kyoto protocol and said an alternative plan needed to be developed....

The Tribal Alliance of Sovereign Indian Nations of California has elected Patrick Murphy Jr....

A senior Environmental Protection Agency official told President Bush's energy task force last year that the report it was preparing was based on faulty information, according to a document made public on Tuesday....

A former Department of Energy official who was in charge of the Yucca Mountain project has questioned whether the site is suitable for storing the nation's nuclear waste....

The Alaska Forum on the Environment held a panel focusing on Bering Sea issues in Anchorage on Tuesday....

The Jena Band of Choctaw Indians of Louisiana have asked the Bureau of Indian Affairs to take land into trust for gaming purposes....

The James Bay Cree First Nation is moving towards finalizing an historic resource management and economic development agreement with the government of Quebec....

The Bush administration is proposing to spend $98 million on aid to Colombia, part of which will be used to train soldiers to guard an oil pipeline operated by an American company whose efforts have been opposed by indigenous activists....

The Washington Redskins will be sporting new outfits this year but team officials were quick to point out the removal of the Indian head has no bearing on the controversy over the name....

Pojoaque Pueblo in New Mexico plans to ask a federal appeals court to reconsider its ruling that allows the tribe to sued for not sharing casino revenues with the state....

The off-again, on-again search for an elusive map of the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation in Connecticut is on again....

The general council of the Yakama Nation of Washington has voted to stop trying to compete for federal licenses to operate two dams....

An anti-sovereignty and anti-treaty rights group has filed a lawsuit seeking to lift protections for fish considered sacred to tribes in the Klamath Basin....

Who knew that just filing a motion could violate one's trust responsibility to Indian Country? Secretary of Interior Gale Norton found out yesterday when a federal judge chastised her for asking permission to release confidential trust data to Congress....

The Navajo Nation has begun distributing $537,000 in grants to tribal members who haven't received their royalty checks from the Department of Interior since November....

The latest issue of Federal Computer Week includes a major spread on the Department of Interior's computer shutdown....

A federal judge has sentenced a bootlegger from the Navajo Nation to one year in prison for violating his parole, the U.S....