Monday, January 28, 2002

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The following is the text of a letter Secretary of Interior Gale A....

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The United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) kicks off its annual policy conference today with an eye on a number of national and regional issues....

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The nation's Indian gaming regulators have thumbed their nose at Secretary of Interior Gale Norton and are refusing to shut down their Internet connections unless a court investigator orders them to do so....

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Once tribes had time to digest Secretary of Interior Gale Norton's controversial proposal to create a new Indian trust agency, a large focus of their criticism was her reliance on the documents generated by a management consulting firm she hired to make sense of the debacle....

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Department of Interior makes small step towards royalty release, Alaska Natives criticize Indian trust overhaul, Bush administration stamps trust reform, and progress in Indian health considered lacking....

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The following is the text of a letter National Indian Gaming Commmission Chairman Montie R....

"Here in Connecticut, we were aghast to learn that the Mashantucket Pequots became a federally recognized tribe through an Act of Congress instead of having to pass muster at the Bureau of Indian Affairs....

How many people visit the Santa Fe Indian Market every year? According to the first study of its kind, not as many as expected....

Mark Chino was president of the Mescalero Apache Nation of New Mexico for a brief short weeks last year before the tribe's council invalidated the election that secured him the top spot....

The General Accounting Office (GAO) is close to suing Vice President Dick Cheney for his refusal to turn over documents related to the national energy task force he chaired....

"I don’t know much about the upcoming Winter Olympics, which is something of a shame, I guess, since they’re going to be held practically in my own back yard....

"The genesis [of the name Redskins] may always remain murky ....

In an editorial today, The Norwich Bulletin praises Rep Rob Simmons (R-Conn.) for making Indian issues a top focus of his Congressional efforts....

A Department of Interior employee with a record of driving under the influence of alcohol was involved in an accident in New Mexico, on Friday, killing two couples from Nebraska in a head-on collision....

"By virtue of the Indian Overseer Act, 1821, establishing a trust relationship with the tribes when we took their land into trust, the state has an additional fiduciary duty to Connecticut's tribes....

"About this time last year, one of my Lakota uncles called me at work....

At the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Oglala Lakota athlete Billy Mills won the gold medal for the 10,000-meter run....

The American Indian Center of Indianapolis, Indiana, is calling for a boycott of the Angel Mounds State Historic Site to protest the reassignment of the site's only Native American worker....

The Congress Online Project, an initiative funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, today will release the results of its "report card" on the web sites offered by members of Congress....

The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of South Dakota and a local school have agreed to hold basketball games again....

The 1999 death of Robert Many Horses, a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, has forced the community of Mobridge to take a look at its racial divide, an effort some in the town believe has seen success....

The Oneida Nation, the state of New York and two New York counties have begun talking again about the tribe's long-running land claim....

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has sent its draft report on the aboriginal rights of Western Shoshone tribal members to the Bush administration, Newsweek reports in its February 4 "Periscope" column....

The family of a deaf Laguna Pueblo woman was forced to hold two burial ceremonies for her because of a state oversight....

How did Secretary of Interior Gale Norton do in her first year in public office? Not that bad, if you ask The Denver Post, which reviews the home-grown former attorney general's twelve months at the top....

As a Cabinet official, Secretary of Interior Gale Norton receives a lot of gifts....

Republican lawmakers in the Alaska Legislature have asked Secretary of Interior Gale Norton to rescind recognition of more than 200 Alaska Native tribes and villages, a request that has Native leaders fuming....