Elder Wisdom
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APRIL 11, 2000

University of New Mexico students recall the words of their elders and technology.

My great-grandparents said, "We're going to have roads in the sky one of these days. You're not going to be able to understand your children, their words, their thoughts, their perspective on life."
--Russell Pedro, Laguna Pueblo.

My grandfather used to say there are going to be spider webs in the sky, which are the telephone lines and all the cables in the sky. He said, "We're going to be speaking through spider webs in the sky."
--Gene Humeyestewa, Hopi.

The old folks used to say that the world would be spinning so fast you won't even understand it.
--Mona Bautista, Laguna Pueblo

Source: Challenges To Face. The Albuquerque Journal. February 4, 2000.

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