Norton to NIGC: Shut down
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The following is the text of a letter Secretary of Interior Gale A. Norton sent to National Indian Gaming Commmission Chairman Montie R. Deer. January 25, 2002.

By facsimile and US Mail

The Honorable Monte [sic] Deer
National Indian Gaming Commission
1441 L Street, NW
Suite 9100
Washington, DC 20005

Dear Chairman Deer:

It has come to my attention today, as a result of a recent exchange of correspondence between the Civil Division of the Department of Justice and your General Counsel, Mr. Washburn, that the information technology systems of the National Indian Gaming Commission are currently connected to the Internet in the absence of Departmental certification.

In view of the December 5, 2001 order of the district court referenced in the correspondence, I am hereby directing you to immediately disconnect from the Internet your information technology systems. Please follow the certification procedures established by the Department prior to reconnecting to the Internet. You may contact Jim Cason, Associate Deputy Secretary, for further information on the certification process.


Gale A. Norton

Cc: Kevin K. Washburn, Esq.
Sandra P.Spooner, Esq.

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