Opinion: End use of Indian mascots in media
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MONDAY, JULY 7, 2003

"Native people have asked sports teams, colleges, school districts and media outlets to stop using the offensive names - chiefs; braves; the outright racial slur, redskins - and to end the accompanying cultural theft and perversion, the painted faces and chicken feathers, the drum beats and tomahawk chops.

These contortions and distortions do not honor our culture, as mascot supporters disingenuously claim. They cheapen native beliefs and practices. They hurt our children by presenting a view of their community that is unreal and demeaning. They attempt further to dehumanize a group of people that already has endured an orchestrated, centuries-long campaign of dehumanization at the hands of the government."

Get the Story:
Art Coulson: Indians mascots must go (The Grand Forks Herald 7/5)

Relevant Documents:
Reading Red Report (NAJA June 2003)

Relevant Links:
Native American Journalists Association -

Related Stories:
NAJA calls for end to mascot names in media (06/20)
Letters: Readers respond to paper's mascot policy (6/11)
Minn. paper drops ban on use of Indian mascots (6/9)
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