James Giago Davies: The greatest evil facing our communities

James Giago Davies. Photo from Native Sun News

Calling out the greatest evil
And it’s not the XL Pipeline
By James Giago Davies
Iyeska Journal

There is something in Indian country that towers above the top of Harney Peak, something carved into the hearts and minds of Lakota people more indelibly than the faces on Mount Rushmore.

It is bigger than any town, any reservation, bigger than the entire Black Hills, something the Lakota seek out when they are happy, when they are sad, when they are bored, when they are excited. From Fort Yates to Pine Ridge, from Rapid City to the Missouri River, there is no place it has not been, no life it has not touched.

My mother kept us from it for a long time, kept it outside our door. She isolated us from the rest of her old reality and never talked about it. But we would walk up the street, the park was just blocks away, and every kid had to go there: there were swings, and a swimming pool, you could fish in Rapid Creek. That was the first time we saw it.

Read the rest of the story on the all new Native Sun News website: Calling out the greatest evil

(James Giago Davies can be reached at skindiesel@msn.com)

Copyright permission Native Sun News

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