Opinion: White people will give Indians anything for past misdeeds
"White people make a show of supporting Native Americans much as they did Barack Obama—to avoid any accusations of racism. Society is too willing to give both anything, whether they deserve it or not to alleviate the guilt society places on us. We send our kids to private schools to avoid the low test scores of the “diverse” schools, but spend an awful lot of guilt time talking of our love of “diversity”—and that time they gave that Haitian guy money at the stoplight.

Liberal yuppies always seek wisdom from Native American traditions as it is presumed that any other culture is wiser, deeper and more spiritual than their own, especially if it is oddly mystic. Too they know any hint of Native American blood in them can get them into Harvard with an 850 SAT score.

Government, fond of patting itself on the back for social justice and for being the moral authority, likes to wet its beak in all aspects of vice. New York now taxes cigarettes at $11 a pack (not including the Feds take), it rakes in an inordinate amount of alcohol sales, runs the numbers in the form of state lotteries, and probably only has a “war on drugs” because it cannot figure a way to muscle a cut of that underground business. Government lost money in prostitution too when it took the Mustang Ranch. Only our government could lose money selling hookers and booze with a zero cost basis.

Gambling and the lottery are important since they are also many Americans’ retirement plan. Democrats should get their message of “Hope” out there to the Native Americans; based on their past entitlement agenda, the best way to get their new message out is with posters at local liquor stores.

The way we settle with the Native Americans is like an awful parent giving his kids booze, cigarettes and a gambling addiction to make it up to them."

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