Yurok Tribe boosts law enforcement agency
The Yurok Tribe of California is the first in its area with in-car cameras for its law enforcement personnel.

The equipment records all audio and data during traffic pursuits and stops, as well as audio and video inside an officer's vehicle. “No other law enforcement district has it in Humboldt or Del Norte County,” Chief Dave Parris, chief of the Yurok Public Safety Department, told The Crescent City Daily Triplicate.

The tribe has boosted the agency in other ways, including the purchase of a range of emergency response equipment and cross-deputization with Del Norte County and Humboldt County sheriff’s departments. Parris said the improvements make the tribe a great place to work.

The tribe is showing off the equipment to the public today, when it will also receive a certification from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for making the area tsunami-ready.

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Tribe set to unveil equipment (The Crescent City Daily Triplicate 3/17)