
Letter: More broken promises to Indian tribes (December 30, 2008)

"Back in 1868, Ulysses Grant declared “Paha Sapa,” the Black Hills, worthless and gave them to the Indians forever by treaty. But in the 1870s, when Gen. George Custer discovered gold in the hills, the government forcefully drove the Indians...

Editorial: Kempthorne botched role at Interior (December 30, 2008)

"The former Idaho governor and U.S. senator and his predecessor, Gale Norton, presided over the most corrupt period in the agency since Albert Fall and the Teapot Dome Scandal of the 1920s. "Short of a crime, anything goes at the...

S.E. Ruckman: Resolutions for the new year (December 30, 2008)

"In Indian Country, the potential for good, positive change bubbles up like the crude oil beneath the tv sitcom family who moved to Beverly Hills. You know who I mean. Thankfully, not all of 2008 was too brutal. I hope...

Steven Newcomb: How not to fix U.S. Indian policy (December 30, 2008)

"In his guest column, “How to fix U.S. tribal policy,” Francis G. Hutchins presents his own particular take on the history of U.S.-Indian policy since the beginning of the United States. (At one time, Mr. Hutchins was an expert witness...

Steve Russell: Indian Country ripe for change (December 30, 2008)

"When the United States has been in crisis, Indian country has had opportunities that seldom exist in normal times. In the very early times, conflicts between the United States and the other colonial powers created fissures that Indian leaders could...

Jodi Rave: Wounded Knee Massacre reminders (December 30, 2008)

"Rowan McQuarrie took a day off work Monday to hold a sign on a busy Missoula street, reminding passers-by of the Dec. 29, 1890, Wounded Knee Massacre, commonly known as the last of the Indian Wars. McQuarrie stood on the...

Yellow Bird: Staying on the holiday sidelines (December 30, 2008)

"I began thinking about my declining enthusiasm for Christmas after talking with my co-workers and daughter. There was talk about holiday decorations and especially about Christmas trees. Why, my daughter asked me, don’t we have any decorations up? Why...

Tim Giago: The revival of the Lakota language (December 30, 2008)

A young Lakota man, maybe seventeen years old, approached me as I waited in line at a local fast food joint to get a cup of coffee. It was the week of the Lakota Nation Invitational Basketball Tournament that is...