Sen. Dorgan calls for Impact Aid funding

Sen. .Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), the chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, is calling for full funding for the Impact Aid program.

Impact Aid provides money to public school districts on or near reservations. The Bush administration has not increased funding for the program in several years.

Dorgan and a bipartisan group of 35 Senators are asking the Senate Appropriations subcommittee to ensure the schools receive full funding.

Two public school districts in New Mexico with a large percentage of Indian students sued the Education Department for a greater share of Impact Aid. But the U.S. Supreme Court rejected their request last month.

Get the Story:
Schools near Indian reservations may get aid (The Devils Lake Journal 5/9)

Zuni Public School District v. Department of Education:
Syllabus | Opinion [Breyer] | Concurrence [Stevens] | Dissent [Scalia] | Dissent [Souter]

Zuni Public School District Documents:
Questions Presented | Petition | New Mexico Brief in Opposition | Department of Justice Brief in Opposition

Relevant Links:
NARF-NCAI Tribal Supreme Court Project -
Impact Aid -
National Indian Education Association -

Related Stories:
School districts fight for bigger share of Impact Aid (9/28)
High court prepares for upcoming term (9/27)
Impact aid for Native students was $2K in 2003 (2/17)