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Letter on reservation poverty draws most comments

A letter from a woman on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Montana has drawn the most comments on The Billings Gazette website.

Eva Lame Woman of Lame Deer wrote about poverty. She said reservation communities don't receive enough assistance.

"Every single year, you people act like you don't care about our lives or how we live on the rez, but it's harder than any other place," she wrote.

The letter received 89 comments as of this morning. Some people agreed with Lame Woman but others criticized her for seeking a "handout." "i am a native american who did not grow up on a rez but had the opportunity to live and work on a rez for 4 years--it seems like every week i lived there i saw something that made me either want to cry or scream--brand new housing torn up by people who don't appreciate something that is given to them," wrote one person.

The newspaper's stories about tribal issues typically draw the most number of heated comments.

Get the Story:
Eva Lame Woman: Reservation gets poorer, needs assistance now (The Billings Gazette 10/16)

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